Staphylococcus Aureus is a very stubborn infection that requires complex herbal remedy. It is a bacteria infection mostly contacted through sex, otherwise called Venereal Infection (VD) or sexually transmitted infection (STI). The symptoms of staphylococcus Aureus ranges from constant headache, general weakness of the body, object movement in the body, weak erection of penis in men, low sperm count, watery sperm, quick ejaculation, vagina discharge in women, internal heat, infertility, stomach problems, stomach noise and many more. To cure Staphylococcus Aureus, you need 20 sachets of STAPH CURE FIRST MEDICATION and 20 sachets of STAPH


Staph cure is a very powerful natural combination of herbs that are capable of preventing and total cure of Staphylococcus Aureus. Staphcure 1st and 2nd medication are well prepared with 100% herbs like: Aloe vera powder, lime, ginger, baked honey powder, perpin, osisikara roots, egbo atta, cashia alata, wonderful kola, garlic powder, egbo madunaro and charlots.

 First of all, mix the 20 sachets of the STAPHCURE (1st Medication) with 2 litres of pure natural lime juice and add 35cl of pure natural honey in a container with a cover, shake very well and allow to ferment for 1 day. Then drink ½ a glass every night until the whole medicine is finished. Then mix the 20 sachets of the second medication of STAPHCURE with 2 litres of good palmwine, allow to ferment for 1 day, then drink ½ a glass every night after meal until all the medicine is finished.(b) In alternative, get 3 bulbs of garlic, 2 white onions, golden seal powder, 10 lime oranges, wild lotus, 2 handful of melon and wonderful kola. Cut all into pieces and boil with 4 litres of water for 30 minutes then drink ½ a glass in the morning and same at night after meal for 2 months.

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